The Constitution, we have come to find, is subject to interminable readings and re-readings; to contradictory impulses; to opportunisms of all persuasions (both liberal and conservative); and finally, to seemingly overt attempts to radically redefine the document’s intent. In our so-called “post-truth” age, this all seems par for the course. … [Read more...]
Federal Judges Halt Trump’s Attempt to Destroy Obamacare No-Cost Birth Control Mandate
President Trump succeeded in killing The Affordable Care Act’s “individual mandate” via the new tax law’s provision eliminating penalties for Americans who choose not to purchase health insurance, starting in 2019. However, Trump failed to enact the so-called moral and religious- exemption rules that would have quashed Obamacare’s no-cost birth … [Read more...]
Republicans Bypass Blue Slip Procedure for Judicial Nominee
As political scientist and commentator Corey Robin has argued on a number of occasions, the crux of the Trump presidency lies not in his insistent erosion of norms, but in the long-term impact of his judiciary nominations. This may sound counterintuitive because after all, the courts have been essential in the fight against Trump’s belligerence – … [Read more...]